Welcome to Rethinking AIDS!

We are in the process of transitioning Rethinking AIDS into Unmasking Covid and AIDS (with an interim name of Rethinking AIDS/Unmasking Covid).
Why rethink Rethinking AIDS?
Rethinking AIDS was an outgrowth of the original Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis, an alliance of 32 world class scientists, physicians and other researchers, later to include three Nobel Laureates and nearly three thousand additional signatories.
What had drawn us all together in the 1980's was the extremely questionable claims being made about HIV and AIDS by the likes of doctors and Public Health officials such as Robert Gallo and Anthony Fauci.
Our skepticism was catalyzed in 1987 by a newly published paper by Dr. Peter Duesberg, demonstrating that "retroviruses" such as "HIV" were neither pathogenic nor carcinogenic, and thus could not be causing AIDS - a paper the nascent AIDS industry publicly ignored but privately feared.
The Group's first step, operating as they were on the premise that their opposition was playing by the same rules, was to publish a clarion call; a request to the scientific community for an independent reappraisal of what in their view was simply a mistaken hypothesis: namely, that an alleged retrovirus "HIV" (the "human immunodeficiency virus") was the cause of an alleged syndrome "AIDS" (the "acquired immune deficiency syndrome").
They summarized their concern in just four sentences:
It is widely believed by the general public that a retrovirus called HIV causes the group of diseases called AIDS. Many biochemical scientists now question this hypothesis. We propose that a thorough reappraisal of the existing evidence for and against this hypothesis be conducted by a suitable independent group. We further propose that critical epidemiological studies be devised and undertaken.
The Group submitted this short paragraph to Nature, Science, The Lancet, and The New England Journal of Medicine, four major science and medical periodicals within which members had had papers published many times before.
But this time, silence! No one would publish the callIt made no difference that it was backed up by a group of 32 legitimate, credentialed and highly esteemed signatories.
So why couldn't they get it published? 
Simple. It was because the chief Public Health official at the time, Dr. Anthony Fauci, had that sort of veto power even back then. As a full blown vaccine industry representative working for what we now know to be a full blown vaccine industry front (NIAID, CDC and FDA) Fauci was, as he is now, a powerful firewall against genuine scientific scrutiny and dissent, i.e., a true enemy of both scientific freedom and the First Amendment. Do you think we're exaggerating? Robert F. Kennedy Jr did us all the favor of meticulously documenting it all in one place.
The fact is, our original suspicions were correct - there was no credible scientific evidence to support the claim that "HIV" caused "AIDS", and 35 years later. there still isn't any evidence. That may be shocking to hear, but it's true.
Fast forward nearly forty years to "Covid-19", and what does one find? The same scare tactics, the same contradictions, the same wrong predictions, the same bogus tests, the same deadly treatment approach, all this but more global, more coordinated, and even more socially destructive. And the General leading the charge? Anthony Fauci.
A central function of the new Rethinking AIDS/Unmasking Covid is to expose for all to see, this profound relationship between "Covid-19" and "HIV/AIDS". As the original "AIDS dissidents", we are uniquely equipped for the task.
But this time it's different.
Back in the 1980's, we felt scientifically obliged to give Fauci et al the benefit of the doubt, i.e., to assume that he and the advocates for the HIV/AIDS hypothesis simply committed a major scientific error. However, the fact that with "Covid-19" they have made the exact same error, but on a scale a thousand times larger, means neither "HIV/AIDS" nor "Corona/Covid" were errors; they were both highly organized and fully premeditated marketing devices.
The goal of science is the truth. The goal of marketing is the sale. "HIV/AIDS" and "Corona/Covid" were not discovered; they were sold, primarily through fear and lies of omission. Their function was to guarantee lucrative government contracts for Fauci's drug and vaccine industry projects. It's that simple!
Unfortunately for the rest of us, it turns out Fauci's efforts are also tied to even bigger projects at the World Economic Forum and World Health Organization. For that reason, "Covid" has shifted even further from the realm of medical marketing into the realm of social engineering. In essence, we've been positioned for a sale, and prepped for coup. But more on that later.
Another difference with "Covid-19" is, while the work of many of the early AIDS dissidents was catalyzed by the outstanding scientific work and spiritual leadership of Dr. Peter Duesberg, the present day "Covid" round is being catalyzed and taken even further, albeit in a very different way.
This time it's the outstanding work of another of the original Group signatories, Dr. Eleni Padadopulos-Eleopulos. As leader of The Perth Group, her work - done concurrently with but independent of Dr. Duesberg's work - also asserted "HIV" could not cause AIDS. But not because "HIV" was harmless. It was because no one had proven that an "HIV" actually exists. And they still haven't done so. To this day, no one has followed the standard protocol for viral isolation and purification by which one proves the existence of a new and independent entity, "HIV". If there's no "HIV" then there's no "HIV proteins", no "HIV RNA", no "HIV antibodies" and no "HIV test".
Dr. Stefan Lanka has given this problem even more context by pointing critically to the fatal flaws in the foundations of the science of virology itself - the real scientific Achilles heel in all of the claims about "infectious AIDS" and "Infectious Covid". So the fraud goes deeper than one might think. But more on that later too.
The most popular weapon today, used by the enemies of truth to silence people who point out these many facts and endless contradictions, is the claim that they are "following the science". It is the newest weapon for pitting people against each other and distracting them from the real sociopaths who got them fighting each other in the first place. And it's so easy to prove the claim false!
A cornerstone of science is to invite dissent; to embrace contrary views and to falsify one's hypothesis. When government leaders, hiding behind the banner of "science", call for Big Tech to censor and deplatform those who say things contrary to the dictates of the CDC, FDA or Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates, and then Big Tech complies and openly boasts about their compliance, this is not science. This is tyranny. So the next time you hear Heads of State or anyone else claim, "We're following the science", feel confident to tell them they are lying, because you cannot "follow the science" and be an advocate of censorship in the same breath.
In closing, and to get a better overview of the changes in RA/UCA's new aims, scope and function, read the introduction to Covid: The New AIDS, the Sept 2020 conference produced by one of our affiliates. And then here, you will find a thought-provoking analysis of how it is that a scam of Covid's magnitude could have gained traction and taken root in the psyche of a supposedly free people in the first place - a people who will fight to the death to protect their freedoms in the face of an overt fascist, but who will bow down, cave, comply and gladly surrender those very same freedoms to the covert fascist.
You will also soon be able to visit our new website. We will focus on the AIDS-Covid relationship, its social, economic and medical implications, and the problems with the scientific foundations of virology. To keep it simple, we will be highlighting three major elephants in the Covidian living room:
2) the life-threatening effects of lockdowns, and
3) the grand mRNA "vaccine" industry experiment humanity has uncritically agreed to subject itself to.
Once you understand the significance and consequences of these three things, you will have a pretty solid grasp of what has actually been happening, why it's been happening, who has been making it happen, and where it's supposed to go.
Finally, we should mention one other elephant in the Covidian living room that deserves special mention. That is the profoundly devastating, longterm negative impact the Pharma/Vaccine industry has had on the health and well-being of the general public for the last one hundred years; especially under Anthony Fauci's leadership. As Kennedy eloquently points out, Fauci's job was to determine causes and preventive measures for both chronic and infectious diseases in the US. Not only did these maladies increase dramatically under Fauci's leadership - chronic disease among children alone in 1984 at the start of his tenure was 6%, and by 2006 it was at 54%!! - he managed to turn federal health and safety institutions into vaccine and drug industry "incubators".
When is it going to end and who is going to stop it? The most remarkable thing about Public Health is that it is the only discipline - and Fauci the only public figure - that can boast fifty years of consistent, abject failure, and still claim "success" and command billions of dollars annually in tax payer funding. We want to cut through the Public Health Official mystique that shields this unconscionable behavior and reverse the deeply ingrained tendency of the wider public to uncritically support and enable it.
Like dealing with any destructive bully, the AIDS/Covid cabal and the global machinery it is connected to thrives not only on our ignorance, but more importantly on our compliance. With condoms, masks, social distance and experimental injections, lockdowns, business closures, vaccine passports and open-ended mandates - all to promote the rebranding of "flu" - we've permitted a Central State to take responsibility for our health and our immune systems. Our compliance, and the willing surrender of responsibility for our bodies, our health and our personal freedom, is the real virus that is destroying the fabric of our decreasingly free society.
Tom DiFerdinando
President, Rethinking AIDS/Unmasking Covid